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A Little Bit of Lip | #LisForLuminous

Introducing Sarah Jane Kelly

Luminous Australian actress, Sarah Jane Kelly glams it up in bling and chiffon, but straight talks her way through Hollywood pilot season, being the light in the tunnel and how ‘having the flaps’ to do anything bold is infinitely more powerful than merely having ‘the balls.’ She’s not the next Nicole Kidman, she’s the first Sarah Jane Kelly.

“…you do get dark days when you think to yourself, what the hell am I doing with my life? I’ve come home after an audition and I’ve thought, I’m hopeless… ready to throw the towel in but I’m not one for giving up the fight. I try and see myself going through everyday through the darkness and seeing light… however the light isn’t at the end of the tunnel. It’s actually me that’s lighting up that darkness.”

Sarah Jane Kelly


Phyllis Foundis

Executive Producer / Host

Phyllis Foundis


Marcus Stimson
Lizz Vernon


Dennis Takudzwa Chombe
aka DaManAce8

Make Up

Chelsea Garland

Executive Assistant

Tim Worton

There’s more Lip coming. Know when.


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